Eco-Minded Millennial Ads

Coors Seltzer's 'Call to Inaction' Campaign Aims to Save Water
Jana Pijak — May 7, 2024Coors Seltzer's new 'Call to Inaction' campaign is a follow up to Earth Month, which had social media buzzing with calls for climate action. Inspired by the idea that doing less can often do more for the planet, this campaign encourages Canadians to embrace small, water-saving habits and aims to flip the "lazy millennial" stereotype on its head. These water-saving habits include taking shorter showers and skipping laundry sorting. By taking these "Inactions," individuals can significantly reduce their water usage, ultimately helping our planet.
As an incentive, the first 250 pledge takers will receive $30, equaling to the price of a pack of Coors Seltzer. This unique marketing campaign targets Millennial consumers with a passion for environmental issues. Authentic marketing is also very important to this consumer, who values honesty and transparency from the brands it is supporting.
Image Credit: Coors