Food Waste Solution Funds

ReFED Finds Food Waste Solutions & Provides Relief for Those in Need
Kalin Ned — May 11, 2020ReFED is an American initiative that is attempting to provide viable food waste solutions and relief for organizations, farmers, and those in need. Throughout the month of May, ReFED is giving more than $1,000,000 USD in order to prevent 10 million pounds of food waste in the duration and wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. This number is estimated to be enough for about 8.3 million meals.
Food waste solutions are absolutely crucial during the pandemic as "farmers are faced with fields of crops and no buyers, [...] restaurant owners find themselves with pantries and fridges of food they can't service [and] around 40 million Americans were food-insecure before the pandemic."
The food waste solution fund will be given to some pre=vetted initiatives right away—Food Rescue US and Wholesome Wave, for example. Meanwhile, ReFED is looking for other organizations that can commit to rescuing at least 250 tons of food within the next three months.
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