Carbon Disclosure Databases

Ceres's Online Search Tool Shows Which Companies Discuss Carbon Risks
Alyson Wyers — January 28, 2016In business across industries transparency and authenticity are increasingly valued, which could explain why this database and online search tool exists to show what companies disclose carbon risks.
Walden Asset Management coordinated a coalition of shareholders consisting of 11 gas and oil companies in an endeavor to "shine a light on the practice of energy companies to fund ... efforts to derail regulatory efforts to mitigate the worst effects of climate change." This disclosure is especially important following the international agreement reached at COP21 in Paris.
Ceres and CookESG Research developed a new online search tool so people can see if companies disclosed carbon asset risks in annual SEC filings. This would include competition from renewable energy sources, governmental attempts to curb carbon emissions, reduced global demand for fossil fuel and more.