Water-Saving Shaving Accessories

The Clean Shave 'Razor Rinser' Unclogs Blades
Michael Hemsworth — May 24, 2024The Clean Shave 'Razor Rinser' is a simple yet highly effectively shaving accessory engineered to maximize the capabilities of disposable razors, while also saving ample water during your morning grooming routine.
The accessory works by being filled with four-ounces of water before your start shaving and positioning the razor head onto the cleaning pad. The razor head can then be pushed down to force water between the blades to wash away shaving foam and hairs to ensure a smooth shaving experience with every swipe. The unit will then reuse the clean water and use a 150-micron filter to prevent hairs from shooing back up.
The Clean Shave 'Razor Rinser' cleans shaving equipment, but also saves ample water with shaves requiring 90 to 99% less water.