Zero-Waste Beauty Memberships

Izzy Zero Waste Beauty is a Reusable, Sustainable D2C Brand

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Izzy Zero Waste Beauty is changing the beauty industry's relationship with the environment by setting a new standard as the world's first fully reusable, sustainable and direct-to-consumer beauty brand. It's estimated that "up to 96 billion units of packaging from the cosmetics industry alone end up in landfills and oceans every year," according to National Geographic, and the D2C brand is on a mission to reshape the industry with cleaner, safer and more sustainable solutions.

The brand uses a cyclical subscription business model that has a small carbon footprint—in fact, the entire supply chain is located within a 400-mile radius and it centers on fully reusable components. The brand is introducing itself to the world with a clean, plant-based and high-performance Zero Waste Mascara.